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What to Do, Car Key Stuck in Ignition

Virginia Beach LocksmithDid you do a search online for something like, “Who can I call when my car key is stuck in the ignition?” or “My car key is stuck in the ignition – what do I do?” If so, we are hoping the information provided will be useful to you.

When a car key manages to become stuck in the ignition of your vehicle, it can end up being quite stressful. You don’t need a situation that is going to set you back for the day and prevent you from being able to get on the road. On the other hand, you don’t want your keys stuck sitting in your vehicle overnight most likely, even if the vehicle is parked in your driveway. You don’t want to attempt to force the key out, even though you might be tempted to do so, because you can end up breaking the key in half if it is not already broken, or you can end up needing a new ignition cylinder. There are actually a few different things you can do. 

Look at the key’s position

This is a step you should take right away, and it is very easy to do. What can end up happening is you might think that you had the key properly turned in the correct position, but this is not actually the case. You might have an old ignition cylinder, and because of its age or wear, the key turns beyond the point it is supposed to. At the very least, it is worth checking. 

Note if you have a damaged key

You might find that years of using the same object over and over has caused it to sustain damage. Or, maybe you put too many things on your key ring and this has weighed down on the ignition cylinder. You might need key replacement or ignition cylinder replacement, so this is worth calling a locksmith for. You might suspect your key is damaged if you frequently have to turn it more than once or jiggle it around to get it to wok. 

See if the ignition is shut off. 

Sometimes, when the ignition is not fully off, you won’t be able to get the key out – at least, you should not be able to. This sounds easy enough, but trying this can allow you to avoid calling in help. 

See if the steering wheel has locked up. 

If you have a locked steering wheel, then you might not be able to do what you want to do in terms of removing the key. You can try to resolve this by gently turning the steering wheel from one side to the other. As you are doing this, pull gently on the key. If it does not loosen, you might need an expert. Again, it is a simple step worth trying. 

Notice any damage to the ignition 

The ignition cylinder could end up being the immediate cause of your key being stuck in the ignition, but this is difficult to determine if the key is already stuck. Did your key break off while trying to pull it out? Don’t yank the key out when you should really call an expert for help because you might need them to provide an ignition cylinder change for you. Debris that has gotten caught inside the ignition can end up causing damage over time. Luckily, it is fairly easy to clean this out. You can use WD-40, for example, because in some cases just a little bit of lubrication is all it takes to loosen the key.

You can use pressurized air, as another example, too. If you try this and find that the key slides right out, then the problem might have been as simple as the ignition cylinder needing a thorough cleaning. Grime can build up faster than you might expect. Think about how many times you have found corners of your car filled with hair or dust or other debris – it builds up quickly, so part of maintaining your vehicle should include cleaning the inside, to include the ignition cylinder. Why not make it a point to do this every time you go to the car wash and every time you get an oil change, at the very least? 

Make sure you don’t have a dead battery. 

You could have a dead battery! If you have tried the steps listed above and noticed that nothing worked, then consider checking to make sure your battery is not dead. A dead battery can mean you are unable to move your key, therefore it is stuck in the ignition, because the anti-theft system has kicked in and the vehicle is not recognizing the key. While this might frustrate you, it is a good sign that your vehicle is protected. 

If nothing works and you have tried all the steps mentioned, then you might want to call an expert automotive locksmith to help because you likely have a damaged key or ignition cylinder that needs to be replaced. In these situations, you will need an expert who knows what they are doing so they do not cause further damage to your valuable car. Try not to stress out because you certainly do have options. For instance, all it might take is a single call to a locksmith service in your location, like ours. Many are available around the clock because they know the importance of providing emergency services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to fix problems such as this. Get back on the road by calling an expert, if in doubt.  

Call us now : (757) 215-2916

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